Decoded Data
Instead of working with the transactions, logs, and traces in their raw states, on TONalytica we decode smart contract activity into nice human-readable tables.
Smart contracts generally have functions that are able to be called by either an externally owned account(EOA) or other smart contracts. Functions can be anything from a simple state read and return to changing multiple states and invoking message calls to other smart contracts.
On TONalytica, we parse all message calls and transactions made to smart contracts in their own tables.
redoubt.dex_tvl_current - current TVL for all platforms
redoubt.dex_tvl_history - history data for TVL
redoubt.jetton_burn - All burn events (mostly for wrapped TON's)
redoubt.jetton_mint - TEP-74 does not specify the use of mint, but TEP-74 recommends using the internal_transfer layout for it (i.e., a message that is handled by wallets to update their balances). In the case of ordinary transfer, internal_transfer should precede the transfer operation. If it is absent, it is not an ordinary transfer but rather a mint operation.
redoubt.jetton_transfer - TEP-74 transfers
redoubt.jetton_wallets - jetton wallets info
redoubt.jetton_master - Information about jettons (master contracts)
redoubt.active_jettons_info - All information about active jettons (with TVL > 10 TON) - price, symbol,decimals, TVL, market volume
DEXs activity
redoubt.jettons_market_data - Aggregated info for all jettons with all history
redoubt.platforms_market_volume - Aggregated market volume for all DEXs with all history
redoubt.dex_swaps - All DEX swaps (note fields msg_id and originated_msg_id. msg_id is associated with the first jetton/TON transfer in a DEX swap, while originated_msg_id is associated with first message in overall chain of messages, actually it is external message which started all swaps)
redoubt.dex_swaps_referrals - Referral addresses for DEX swaps (only for for now). Use msg_id
as a join field
redoubt.lp_pool_shares - All LP balances and pool shares
redoubt.nft_collection - Information from collection smart contract
redoubt.nft_current - Current owners and sale sate of the NFTs
redoubt.nft_deals - NFT sale deals
redoubt.staking_balance - Current staking balances for all nominators pools
redoubt.staking_history - the same information with all history
redoubt.ton_usd_rates - TON/USD exchange rates based on wrapped stablecoins swaps (like TON/jUSDC)
redoubt.wallets - All wallets addresses with wallet type (v2, v3, ..)
Tables related to EVAA project:
redoubt.evaa_supply - supply operations
redoubt.evaa_withdraw - withdraw operations
redoubt.evaa_liquidation - all successful liquidation events
Storm Trade
Tables related to Storm Trade project:
redoubt.storm_events - all events (open, close, stop_loss and take_profit) related to trading positions
Last updated
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